January 29, 2015

Bill To Regulate Vaping Liquids Narrowly Escapes Committee

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A Senate committee Thursday narrowly approved a bill regulating manufacturers of e-liquids, which are used in vaping pens and e-cigarettes.  

The production of e-liquids, also known as vaping liquids or e-juices, is essentially unregulated in Indiana.  Middlebury Republican Sen. Carlin Yoder’s legislation would create several regulations, including a new permit that would cost manufacturers $5,000, stringent security requirements, bottling and packaging standards, using child-proof caps on containers and prohibiting the sale of e-liquids to minors. 

Association of Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys President Aaron Negangard says he’s concerned about the practice of including illegal drugs such as marijuana and bath salts in e-liquids.

“Stuff we ingest is regulated, and this needs to be regulated so that we can limit the exposure of children to illegal drugs,” Negangard said.

But vape shop owners and manufacturers say the bill is so stringent it will drive them out of business.  And they note that some of the regulations – including child proof caps and prohibiting sales to minors – are already standard practices in the industry.  Yoder says he will work with shop owners to change the bill on the Senate floor.

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