February 18, 2015

Bill To Eliminate 'Food Deserts' Moves To The Senate

Bill To Eliminate 'Food Deserts' Moves To The Senate

INDIANAPOLIS – A bill aimed at bringing fresh food to urban areas – often referred to as “food deserts” – passed the House on Thursday evening.

House Bill 1248 would require the Indiana State Department of Agriculture to develop and promote urban farming programs, food cooperatives and farmers’ markets. It would seek to create partnerships through Indiana institutions such as Purdue University.

The bill’s author, Rep. Justin Moed, D-Indianapolis, said in January that “One of the biggest complaints I get when I go door-to-door is that there aren’t any grocery stores in urban neighborhoods anymore.”

The bill passed 89-5 and moves to the Senate for consideration.

Aubrey Helms is the broadcast coordinator for TheStatehouseFile.com, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.

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