January 23, 2018

Bill To Eliminate 300 Townships Takes First Step In House

Article origination IPBS-RJC
Rep. Cindy Ziemke (R-Batesville) is the author of a bill that would force townships of less than 1,200 residents to consolidate. - Brandon Smith/IPB News

Rep. Cindy Ziemke (R-Batesville) is the author of a bill that would force townships of less than 1,200 residents to consolidate.

Brandon Smith/IPB News

Legislation that would force about 300 small townships to consolidate with larger ones took its first step forward in the Indiana House Tuesday.

A House committee advanced the bill  by a 10-0 vote after making some changes to the measure.

The bill would require townships of less than 1,200 people to consolidate with adjacent townships. One of the changes made in committee would allow the new townships to require at least one township board member live in the old, consolidated unit.

Committee chair Rep. Kevin Mahan (R-Hartford City) says the bill isn’t a finished product but notes the forced consolidation isn’t required until 2023.

“We’re going to have some little things that come up,” Mahan says. “We’re going to have questions that’s gonna come up that may need some more clarifying – and that’s why we come back.”

The bill now heads to the House Ways and Means Committee.

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