February 20, 2015

Bill To Ban Sex Offenders From Voting Sites At Schools Passes Senate

Bill To Ban Sex Offenders From Voting Sites At Schools Passes Senate

INDIANAPOLIS – A proposal by state Sen. Frank Mrvan, D-Hammond, to ban sex offenders from entering school grounds to vote passed the Senate on Thursday.

“It is important that our children are protected in every way possible,” Mrvan said in a press release. “Schools are no place for those who have been previously convicted of serious crimes involving children and we ought to strengthen provisions ensuring that.”

Senate Bill 522 requires that a sex offender vote in a secondary location if his or her assigned polling place is on school property. The bill requires the individual to be notified before an election with the opportunity to vote by mail or be provided transportation to an alternative voting center.

Mrvan said that he doesn’t want to take away constitutional rights with the bill, thus creating the alternative voting options.

Under SB 522, the Department of Corrections would be required to inform a serious sex offender at the time of discharge of the requirement and voting alternatives. Mrvan said he learned about the problem through news reports and constituents.

“We are focused on maintaining a high level of safety for all of our children,” Mrvan said in a press release.

The Senate passed the bill unanimously and it now moves to the House for consideration.

Jess Seabolt is a reporter for TheStatehouseFile.com, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.

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