January 20, 2015

Bicycle Bills Would Require 3-foot Passing Zone In Indiana

Bicycle Bills Would Require 3-foot Passing Zone In Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Three bills in the Indiana Legislature would require drivers to leave a 3-foot clearance when passing bicyclists on roadways.

State Rep. Edward Delaney wrote a bill in the Indiana House and state Sens. Philip Boots and Greg Taylor have bills in the Indiana Senate. If approved the measures would make an infraction punishable by a $500 fine. All three bills have had a first reading and been referred to committees.

The Journal and Courier reports that the proposals are similar to laws already adopted in West Lafayette, Lafayette and several other Indiana communities.

Aaron Madrid is co-founder of Bicycle Lafayette. He says it would be "really exciting" if the law was enacted statewide. Although he says he's seen similar bills previously lose traction at the Indiana Statehouse.

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