Current city ordinances that limit or restrict beekeeping will not be affected by legislation sent to Gov. Eric Holcolmb this week.
Brock Turner/WFIU-WTIU NewsA bill that would loosen restrictions on beekeepers is heading to Gov. Eric Holcomb’s desk.
The measure comes after some Indiana governments began exploring beekeeping bans. Legislators say they don’t want to keep cities from regulating beekeeping activity, but say it’s impossible to ban something that occurs in nature.
Mooresville beekeeper Debbie Seib says she doesn’t want to limit a city’s ability to regulate either.
“We’re not trying to get them to prevent to be able to ban bees,” she says. “We want them to regulate them, we just don’t want them to ban them.”
The bill isn’t expected to affect communities like Indianapolis and Bedford who already have ordinances limiting beekeeping.