December 21, 2017

Alcohol Tax Increase Unlikely In 2018 Session

Original story from   IPBS-RJC

Article origination IPBS-RJC
Senate Public Policy Committee Chair Ron Alting (R-Lafayette), left, says there's no appetite in 2018 for an increase in the alcohol excise tax. - Brandon Smith/IPB News

Senate Public Policy Committee Chair Ron Alting (R-Lafayette), left, says there's no appetite in 2018 for an increase in the alcohol excise tax.

Brandon Smith/IPB News


Indiana’s alcohol excise tax hasn’t changed in 36 years. And the state’s Alcohol Code Revision Commission thinks it should, recommending a 25 percent increase.

But Senate Public Policy Committee Chair Ron Alting (R-Lafayette) says that won’t happen in 2018.

“It’s a non-budget session,” he says. “I don’t see the feeling of anyone in the General Assembly to raise taxes in a short session.”

Gov. Eric Holcomb has expressed a need for increased resources for the state Excise Police. And funding for that comes from the excise tax, which is why Alting says a hike is necessary at some point in the future.

“We need to get creative and figure out how we can boost them up to where they need to be,” Alting says.

The 2018 session begins Jan. 3.

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