June 19, 2015

Agricultural Trade Mission To Focus On Often Overlooked Region Of China

INDIANAPOLIS -- Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann says her upcoming agricultural trade mission to China will seek to make inroads in a region of the country largely ignored by other states.

Gov. Mike Pence last month went on a trade mission to China, but Ellspermann says her trip won’t be duplicative; rather, her mission will focus on the agricultural sector, while his focused more on economic development.

“China is 1.3 billion people, so I don’t think we risk tripping over the same kind of locations, but they very well are complementary trips,” Ellspermann said.

She says the delegation will spend time in the often-overlooked Sichuan province and its capital Chengdu, which she calls the “breadbasket” of China.

“Being there is going to open up new opportunities, so going where the businesses are, where the opportunity is, is really what we’re taking on this trade mission,” Ellspermann said.

Ellspermann and the delegation leave Monday and return July 3.  The trip is paid for through private donations.

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