March 6, 2019

Abortion Ethical Exemption Expansion Bill Clears House Committee

Article origination IPBS-RJC
The House Public Health Committee. - Brandon Smith/IPB News

The House Public Health Committee.

Brandon Smith/IPB News

State lawmakers are one step closer to allowing pharmacists to deny women access to abortion-inducing drugs.

Current law lets doctors and hospital employees refuse to provide or participate in abortion services. Proposed legislation would extend that to nurses, physician assistants, and pharmacists.

Pharmacist John Voliva says health care providers shouldn’t have to check their morality at the door.

“Why then should we require health care providers to participate in procedures they feel are ethically or morally reprehensible?” Voliva says.

But pharmacist Ashley Meredith says the bill provides no protection for patients.

“There’s no exception for a woman with serious or immediate health risks," Meredith says. "No provisions are included for ensuring that the patient gets the needed care or even a referral to an unbiased provider in a timely manner.”

The House Public Health Committee advanced the bill 9-4, along party lines.

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