November 19, 2014

2 N. Indiana Counties Balk At Leasing Toll Road

LAPORTE, Ind. (AP) — Commissioners in two northern Indiana counties are balking at a plan to lease of the Indiana Toll Road.

Elkhart County Commissioner Mike Yoder told the Elkhart Truth on Tuesday there wasn't enough time to consider the proposal, since preliminary bids are due Thursday.

The (Angola) Herald Republican reports the LaGrange County Commissioners also have rejected the proposal.

However, the proposal still might have life. Yoder says that during a conference call Monday, Lake County officials expressed interest in participating and pitching in money to help cover preliminary planning costs. He didn't identify the officials.

Steuben County Attorney Don Stuckey says LaPorte County asked each of the seven counties that the Toll Road travels through to contribute $10,000 toward a preliminary bid. Stuckey says final bids are due next August.

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