Indianapolis International Airport will get $2.8 million from the U.S. Department of transportation for taxiway renovation.
Courtesy redlegsfan21 via Flickr/CC-BY-SA-2.0GARY, Ind. (AP) — Two Indiana airports are getting a share of federal funding for runway and taxiway work.
Indianapolis International Airport is getting $2.8 million to fund the renovation of Taxiway C, including work for the shoulders of the existing taxiway.
Gary/Chicago International Airport is getting $4.9 million to fund a final payment for the Runway 12/30 extension project, which includes paving, grading and utilities.
The money was announced this week by the U.S. Department of Transportation as part of $527.8 million in grants to airports across the country. The Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Improvement Program helps pay for an array of airport infrastructure work.