Grouseland, the home of William Henry Harrison, sits at the end of Scott Street in Vincennes.
public domainVINCENNES, Ind. (AP) — The group which oversees the one-time Indiana home of the nation's ninth president is making progress toward raising the money for $1.2 million in planned repairs and updates.
The Grouseland house in Vincennes was completed in 1804 and was the home of Indiana Territory Gov. William Henry Harrison until 1812. He was elected U.S. president in 1840.
Grouseland Foundation executive director Lisa Ice-Jones says the project includes work to the foyer and stairwell, the replacement of windows, foundation repairs and adding technology for virtual tours.
The Vincennes Sun-Commercial reports City Council members have endorsed a $100,000 contribution toward the project.
Foundation leaders say they've lined up about $600,000 in grants or private donations and are seeking more grants.