What is the Ardath Burkhart Legacy Society?
If given the chance, most of us would like to leave a legacy after we're gone that shows our lives have made a difference. That in some way, we have contributed to a cause that will benefit others for generations to come. Thanks to modern tax-incentivized methods of giving, more of us can participate in this adventure to experience the intense joy that comes from making an impact.
For those who want to make a difference even after theyre gone, WFYI has created the "Ardath Burkhart Legacy Society". This legacy society is the perfect way to interact with others who share your vision for public media's future, and ensure that our community always has access to free, high-quality programming that includes television, radio and rapidly developing digital spaces.

Benefits of Membership in the Ardath Burkhart Legacy Society:
- Permanent recognition as an Ardath Burkhart Legacy Society member at WFYI.
- Opportunities to meet local and national public media personalities at virtual and in-person events.
- Sneak preview screenings of new programs.
- Monthly member guide.
- Behind-the-scenes updates on new programs, services, and activities before they become available to the public.
Who was Ardath Burkhart?
The namesake of our legacy society comes from none other than WFYI's "Founding Mother", Ardath Burkhart. In 1970, Ardath led a coalition of thousands of women in Indianapolis, who marched door-to-door collecting the funds needed to bring Public Broadcasting to Central Indiana. Fifty years later, we still feel her stalwart presence in our organization.
The Ardath Burkhart Legacy Society honors people who have made a provision for WFYI in their wills in any amount, established a life income gift to WFYI, or given $10,000 or more to WFYI's Future Fund (endowment).

We invite you to support the mission of public media by considering a lasting gift to WFYI.Ifyou're ready to make your estate commitment known, please fill out the WFYI Donor Intent Form so that we might welcome you into the fold! If you have questions, or would simply like a helping hand, please contact the Donor Engagement Office at (317) 614-0475, or via email at plannedgiving@wfyi.org.
WFYI and The WFYI Foundation are 501(c)(03) public charities.
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