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A Story to Stage, Artisans to Marketplace, and a Sweet Spot to Stand
March 24, 2016
Angela Jackson Brown
Author Angela Jackson Brown has taken “Anna’s Wings” a short story she included in the anthology Indy Writes Books and has turned it into a play that will be performed as part of the IndyFringe’s upcoming DivaFest. Travis DiNicola spoke with her about what it takes to put a short story on the stage. There will be a “sneak peak” of all the DivaFest plays on Saturday March 26th at 7pm at Indy Reads Books on Mass. Ave. “Anna’s Wings” opens on Saturday, April 2 at 6:00 pm at the IndyFringe. You can get the whole DivaFest schedule at
The Indiana Artisan program was developed to show off our state's rich assortment of artisinal products, from art to food to beverages. Once a year, our Indiana Artisans come together with those of our neighboring Kentucky to provide a stunning browsing and shopping opportunity -- the Indiana Artisan Marketplace. Sharon Gamble talked with Director Eric Freeman about this year's event, at the Indiana State Fairgrounds on April 9th and 10th.Learn more about the more than 150 vendors, plus get info on tickets, shuttle buses, package pickup, and much more, at
Sweet Spot at 924
Artists Shawn Causey and Mark Daniell have created a installation that changes depending on which way you look at it – in fact, they encourage you to look at it from many different angles until you find your own “Sweet Spot.” Travis DiNicola talked with them about their Sweet Spot installation at the 924 Gallery. Gallery Director Shannon Linker joined them. The installation Sweet Spot on pens on Friday, April 1 at 6pm. There will be an artist talk on April 14th at 6pm as well. You can get more information at