The city of South Bend, the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County and the nonprofit group enFocus plan to install wireless access points downtown and in the East Bank area.
file photoSOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) — Free wireless Internet is coming to parts of South Bend.
The South Bend Tribune reports that the city of South Bend, the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County and the nonprofit group enFocus plan to install wireless access points downtown and in the East Bank area. Those who log on will have to accept a standard user agreement to access the network for free. It's expected to be available this fall.
The city will contribute $50,000 of the $300,000 cost.
Officials say the network will be accessible from outside, such as on plazas or sidewalk cafes, but availability indoors will limited. And because the network is public there will be filters, which enFocus director Michael Bieganski says is to ensure appropriate use.