September 22, 2016

Indiana's New Plate Pays Tribute To State's Rural Past

The new covered bridge license plate will join the "In God We Trust" plate as the standard choices.

The new covered bridge license plate will join the "In God We Trust" plate as the standard choices.

A new image will adorn Indiana’s standard license plate, and it’s an icon of the state’s rural past. 

The Bureau of Motor Vehicles unveiled three potential designs for the state's new Bicentennial plate in August: one featured the state outline with a torch surrounded by stars inside it; the second had a yellow banner on the bottom reading “Crossroads of America.” The third, the most colorful, featured verdant scenery with a red covered bridge under the center of the plate.

More than 330,000 votes were cast and 54 percent chose the covered bridge design as the winner. It joins the “In God We Trust” plate as the standard choices.

The BMV will begin introducing the new plates in January.

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